One Simple Trick For Living Your Best Life
Death has more to offer than just nothingness; finality provides perspective…
We all struggle with finding our purpose in life — you and me both.
If purpose was easy it wouldn’t be purposeful at all. We’re all just trying to find our place on a spinning ball of matter flying aimlessly through the universe — It’s confusing.
Sometimes in the confusion we get lost. We don’t know what we should be doing, why we’re doing it or even how to get started in the first place. Finding that ‘thing’ that makes you tick is life’s greatest mystery.
Luckily, being lost is simply a matter of perspective and there’s useful tools we can employ to ‘find ourselves’.
I hated that last part too.
When i consider my life, i know with absolute confidence that i want to make the most of it. I have no intentions of sitting on my arse wasting my life away watching YouTube videos of celebrities i could care less about. I want to be out experiencing the world, travelling to new countries, making new friends, immersing myself in interesting cultures, mastering different skills, being a virtuous person.
If you’ve ever picked up a self-improvement book then you probably feel the same way. I reckon that deep-down, every human being on this earth wants to be the best version of themselves. Everyone has grandiose dreams of success, money, benevolence and quintessentially perfect examples of their own capabilities.
What doesn’t match is the actions. We can dream all day long but if we don’t match our actions to our dreams then they remain only dreams. They’ll never come to fruition; you’ll never see them realised.
One Simple Trick
A handy way of keeping perspective amongst the chaos, and matching our actions to our dreams, is to use the following trick.
Imagine attending your own funeral. You’re undoubtedly dead, lying there at the ripe old age of 88 in a coffin made of marble. All your family and friends are gathered around, sobbing and grieving at your passing but simultaneously happy and joyful as they celebrate your life. It’s a bittersweet occasion.
Different family members and friends come up to your coffin, one at a time to pay their respects. When they do so (now here’s the trick):
What do they say about you?
What kind of person are you to them? How do they view you? Have you been kind, caring and giving? Do they respect you? How do you inspire them? How many people have you impacted?
Imagine what others will say at your funeral.
For me, i want to be remembered as someone who inspired others with his drive. I want to be known as fair, respectful, wise and giving. I want to be known as someone who provided for those around him and always lifted others up. I want to be known as someone who lived life to the fullest on his own terms.
Now imagine the same situation for yourself. Really picture it. Where abouts is it hosted? What kind of day is it? What are the people wearing? What’s the expression on their faces? Really visualise it and make it as lucid as possible.
In the words of imaginary others you’ll find your underlying principles. These are the core motivations that should guide your life. Use these as a paddle in the shit-creek of life; use them as a compass in stormy waters.
Closing Thoughts
By using this simple trick every few months, i can stay true to my underlying purpose. It helps me keep perspective as to why i’m doing what i’m doing. It guides my actions and ensures clarity amongst the disarray.
It’s a selfish trick as you’re finding self-worth from external sources — but it works.
Let me know how this goes for you. Really make the visualisation as lucid as possible. What do you want to be remembered as?
As Always,
Yours Honestly,
Commodore Pipas