Fuck Social Media
You might think that you’d face social ostracisation by abstaining from Social Media.
You might be right.
You also might be wrong.
I deleted Social Media about 3 years ago and haven’t looked back since.
Even after missing out on the day-to-day lives of 500 people i barely care about I still don’t regret it.
Life is fucking swell.
My mind isn’t cluttered by the doings and beings of beings who do nothing in relevance to myself.
At least not beings i don’t care about.
I feel as if deleting Social Media gives you so much more bandwidth to focus on what actually matters.
Family, friends, hobbies, passions, love.
You’re no longer distracted by some IG girl with a peachy ass.
The feeling of FOMO doesn’t exist in your vocabulary.
You have bandwidth to focus on that piece of writing that you’ve always wanted to do.
You have bandwidth to toss your telephone aside and spend time with your loved ones.
You have bandwidth to do.
Social Media’s limitless, pointless, mindless scrolling for the most part.
You’ll spend an inordinate amount of time balls deep in shitty entertainment that satisfies your desire for immediate gratification.
Because that’s what Social Media is — immediate gratification.
Here’s a like, here’s a comment, oooooohhhh you’ve got a new friend, girl with a big ass again.
That’s how they keep you enraptured in their mindless content.
And for what?
So that you sit there, with your dick in your hand, having a chug to some random halfway across the world on Reddit?
So you keep your eyes on the screen for longer.
So you make them more money.
If you spend all your time on Social Media you’ll lose out on everything.
You’ll lose out on real experiences.
You’ll lose out on real friends.
You’ll lose out on developing yourself.
You’ll lose out, period.
A life enamoured with Social Media is a life wasted.
You’ll become an unoriginal cog in the grand money-making scheme run by handsome CEO’s in Silicon Valley.
Before you know, 5 years of your life have flashed by and you’ve spent thousands of hours looking at a screen for nothing.
No development, no reward, no satisfaction.
Some could argue that it keeps you in contact with friends but i’d argue you can do that regardless.
I’m living proof of that.
Sure, you’ll lose some part-timers and clout-chasers but you’ll keep the real ones.
The real ones stick around.
You can still text, use WhatsApp, Signal and the million other networking apps out there.
It’s a matter of quality versus quantity.
You can have less, good friends or more bad friends.
It’s as simple as that.
Delete Social Media if you feel it weighing heavily on your shoulders.
If you catch yourself struggling mentally due to comparisons with strangers.
If you wallow on self-pity as you waste another day in the warm, heavenly womb of Social Media.
If you find it’s doing more bad than good.
I promise you wont regret it.
I haven’t and i doubt i ever will.
Fuck Social Media.
As Always,
Yours Honestly,
Commodore Pipas.