Chase Extremity
I’ve always said i’ll either die rich or homeless. I’m impartial to the outcome but the notion of trying hard, or doing more, exudes appeal.
Normal Is Boring
The idea of being average sounds like a death sentence. Living a ‘normal life’ with a ‘standard job’ gives me the fear. I can’t speak for everyone, as the simple life appeals to many, but an average life requires average effort. I’m seeking to go beyond average, and you should too.
Is it just me or does finishing 5th in a race sound meh? Who placed 5th in the 2018 FIFA World Cup? Who finished 5th in the 2008 Beijing Olympics when Usain Bolt set a new world record? Who cares?
No-one really is the answer. We value over-achievers for a reason; they serve as paragons of human achievement. We want to be like them, because somewhere deep down we want to fulfill our potential. I think it’s a notion worth chasing.
This isn’t to say where you’re at represents where you’ll be. Jeff Bezos was an average baldy man at 30 and now he’s one of the richest individuals in the world. Francis Ngannou, the UFC knockout superstar, was homeless up until 5 years ago. Value lies in your intentions, not your reality. Are you striving for more or settling for less?
I constitute a decidedly average person. I’ve graduated, work a few jobs and try my best with side hustles. I live in a 2 bedroom flat with a roommate, drive a shitty yellow Ford Transit Connect, and do my shopping at budget supermarkets. Although my achievements portray normality, my dreams exhibit extremity.
I don’t want to be normal. I want to have multi-million pound enterprises. I want to travel the world and experience all there is. I want to do triathlons, pursue artistic endeavours, and truly challenge myself. You should too.
Average Get’s You Average
I remember reading about the idea of competition in business and achievement from an author I can’t quite remember. When you aim for average, just like everyone else, then you’re met with masses of competition. If you aim high, for that 0.1% opportunity, then you automatically eliminate 99.9% of the competition. You’re now competing in a niche space.
Additionally, mentioned in Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, the Law of Attraction finds that:
Whatever can be imagined and held in the mind’s eye is achievable if you take action on a plan to get to where you want to be.
There’s reserves of power in your imagination alone that serve to assist you in manifesting your own reality. If you dream big, you’ll achieve big. If you dream small, you’ll achieve small.
If you truly want to be your best, then Chase Extremity. Go for the hard option, reach for the pinnacle of achievement, dare to do more. Anecdotal, and even empirical evidence, would suggest the simple act of Chasing Extremity would result in extremity.
What Constitutes Extreme?
I’m not arguing that you need to be the best there ever was at any designated occupation (although that is a worthy goal). Just go for more than average, actually try your best.
IF you’re happy with 50k a year then up that goal to 150k.
IF you want to travel to 10 countries, make it 50.
IF you want to write 5 articles a month, write every day for 60 days straight.
IF you want to deadlift 150kg, reconfigure to 250kg.
IF you want to run a half marathon, make it a marathon.
IF you’re struggling to Ollie, learn how to Kickflip.
IF you’re happy with a mid-level position, gun for the CEO’s seat.
Just increase the amount each time. After all, what’s the worst thing that can happen? You fall short and you’re still above your previous goals. Chase Extremity, forget normality. Remember, this is all in your imagination, there’s no harm to be done by believing in yourself.
Extremity, in this form, just means above average. It means shunning YouTube addictions, avoiding Netflix binges and saying no to all the easy things in life. Extreme is difficult, and that’s good; everything easy in life isn’t worth chasing.
Takeaways are easy, wasting away on a sofa is easy, stacking shelves is easy. Normal is easy.
It goes without saying but i’ll say it anyways. Sometimes there’s biological impediments, poverty barriers or situational obstructions that put individual’s at an automatic disadvantage. These aren’t to be used as an excuse; you can find stories from anywhere on the internet of massively inspirational individuals who overcame adversity and achieved their goals.
Do what you can.
Closing Thoughts
I don’t embody extremity or achievement; thus, i’m perhaps not qualified to be imparting this advice. You’d be better with a pep-talk from David Goggins as he forces you down for another set of press-ups.
This is more so a public journal in which i can express my thoughts and feelings. My thoughts are that Chasing Extremity is better than Chasing Normality. I’d rather over-achieve than under achieve. I’d rather be weird than normal.
What’s your thoughts? Am i spraffing nonsense? What’s your contention on goals and how we approach them?
As Always,
Yours Honestly,
Liam Lawson.